How to repair a sprinkler system?

The question is broad. There are many components that can cause your sprinkler system to fail. Here I will list the five top reasons causing your lawn sprinkler system repairs. Keep in mind these are not all the reasons, because they are so many. However, it does deliver the top five reasons I see daily over my thirty years of working on lawn sprinkler systems. If your system is down its probably for one of the top five reasons listed below.

  1. Sprinkler Leaks
  2. Pipe Leaks
  3. Solenoid Malfunctioning
  4. Malfunctioning or worn-out valve
  5. Backflow Repairs
ACS Best Sprinkler repairs

Sprinkler leaks are quite common.

You have cars, mowers, hedgers, digging, and roots that cause sprinkler leaks. Mowers are the most common. If your sprinkler is not installed correctly mowers will break them off every time. For whatever reason let us assume you have a sprinkler leak. This one sprinkler leak will knock off your entire zone. You will be scrolling through your zones on the sprinkler controller and notice one zone is not coming up at all. You guessed it right, it is due to the sprinkler leak. For the zone to bring up all the other sprinkler on the zone their must be 100% pressure. With one sprinkler leak your zone will no longer work disrupting all the sprinklers on that zone. Your system is down. Repair the sprinkler leak to get it working again.

Pipe leaks occur when a root bends the pipe or when the repair work was poorly done.

You also must consider the type of coupling brands you used to repair your pipe leaks. I’ve notice using traditional home improvement couplings will not make a permanent repair due to the poor quality of the coupling. The reason pipe leaks cause the sprinkler system to fail is due to the loss of pressure the same as the sprinkler leak. The pipe leak is more severe. Pipe leaks can control multiple zones and are hidden underground it takes time to find them. All you need to do is keep the lawn sprinkler system running for about 15 minutes and walk the property until you notice standing water. If you find standing water, you have just found your pipe leak. Repair the pipe leak, and you will get your sprinkler system running again.

Sprinkler pipe leaks
Valve Malfunctioning

Now for solenoids, and malfunctioning worn out valve.

This type of problem is like the sprinkler leak and pipe leak. I would advise you to first look for leaks before determining if it’s a valve problem. Leave the system running for 15 minutes to complete a walk all over the property looking for leaks if you do not find any standing water then you have a solenoid valve problem. We place the solenoid and valve problem together because it does not make sense to repair the solenoid only and leave the old valve still in place. It is like a cake without the icing. The cake must have the icing to make it work. If this makes sense. Just replace the solenoid and valve when completing a valve replacement. You will have to identify which valve is malfunctioning. The zone that is not working or is stuck on open is the valve you will have to replace. Typically, if you are lucky the valves should be to the right or left of your house next to the lawn sprinkler system main shut off. They will be in the ground in a valve manifold box. Remove the lid and expose the valves. Once you have located the valves and determine the type of valve head to your local irrigation supply store and match up the valves. Now get to work and replace the problematic zone valve. This will fix your issue. If you don’t know what valve it is just replace all of them, anyways most of the time they all start going bad in the same time.

Now for your main sprinkler system shut off.

The backflow if this is what you have installed. What I mean about this is sometimes people do not follow city code ordinance. The backflow preventer does not allow contaminants going into your domestic water therefore it is required by the city. You will see two pipes sticking above ground with a metal galvanized unit mounted on it. This is your backflow. Hitting it with the mower, weed eater, or poor installation will cause it to fail resulting in a sprinkler system repair. This type of repair is more obvious because none of your zones will run. The backflow is the main water supply line for your lawn sprinkler system. The leak will be obvious gushing water up in the air. The only way to fix is this is by shutting off your domestic water supply water meter or if you connected to pump or reclaim water you will have to shut off which ever you have. All the water needs to be cut off to make this repair. Once you have shut off your main water supply, now it’s time to get to work. Cut off the brass unit head to your nearest irrigation supply store and match up the backflow unit. Ask the cashier what else you will need, I’m sure he will be knowledgeable in this type of work since it does happen often.

Backflow Repairs

These are the top five main reasons a sprinkler system fails. If you need help with any issue over the phone call ACS Irrigation at (813) 575-2271. We will be more than happy to walk you along the process. Check out our YouTube channels for help too. Well try to add more videos to help you with all your sprinkler system needs.

Common Sprinkler System Problems

We’ve successfully repaired all imaginable sprinkler repair issues. Over time, we’ve noticed a common sprinkler problems. Below is a list of all the common issues or problems we come up with on a daily basis; 

Sprinkler Wire Issues

Wiring from the valve manifold to the lawn sprinkler controller has to be making contact at all times for it to work. One wire cut will bring down your entire lawn sprinkler system. This problem arises when people are digging or working near the valve manifold or lawn sprinkler controller. If your system is not activating any zones this could be one clear sign your wiring was disrupted. Your wiring is connected to each valve in the ground with one common wire “typically white is your common wire”. The different colors go to each valve individually. It’s a complex issue if you don’t know what you are doing. Well be happy to help you over the phone.

Sprinkler Timer Controller

Sprinkler timer controllers people call them by all kinds of names. They come in many shapes and sizes confusing with all the settings and features they offer. If you stick to the basics settings you will be fine. Our main sprinkler timer controller problems are in the running settings. Our customers call us with high water bill issues. The first place we look are the settings in the controller, and 80% of the time we find extra running times causing the sprinkler timer controller to activate multiple times increasing your bill 3 times the normal cost. Make sure you have your sprinkler timer controller set up correctly.  

Sprinkler Leaks

Sprinkler leaks develop over time naturally with wear and tear along with other contributing factors such improperly installed sprinklers, and heavy lawn mowers running over them. It only takes one sprinkler leak to knock down your entire zone. In order for the other sprinklers in the zone to pop up, the pop up sprinklers must receive the appropriate water pressure. You can find out if you have a sprinkler leak by running your zone and walking the property searching for standing water. Once you locate the standing water, more than likely you have found your leak. Please see this video blog for more information on how to install a sprinkler correctly. 

 Sprinkler Head Nozzles Clogged


Your  water quality determines how often your nozzles will clog up. Clogged nozzles are common problems that can cause dry spots in your lawn. Dirt, debris, and sand will eventually find it way into your sprinklers.  The best solution is to clean them out, or replace them entirely. Afterwards install a manifold filter valve to filter out anything what will cause your nozzles to clog up. ACS Irrigation has a common practice to install manifold filters on a regular basis, give us a call to find out more.

Sprinkler Irrigation Pipe Leaks

Sprinkler irrigation pipe leaks are very common too. There are many things that can cause pipe leaks. Digging, landscape work, poor repairs, and tree roots breaking underground sprinkler irrigation piping. The reason pipe leaks cause the sprinkler system to fail is due to the loss of pressure the same as the sprinkler leak. The pipe leak is more severe. Pipe leaks can control multiple zones and are hidden underground it takes time to find them. All you need to do is keep the lawn sprinkler system running for about 15 minutes and walk the property until you notice standing water. If you find standing water, you have just found your pipe leak. Repair the pipe leak, and you will get your sprinkler system running again.

Sprinkler Valves Leaking or Malfunctioning

Irrigation valves are the heart of the lawn sprinkler system. They could cause many problems, low pressure, constant water flow small leaks, and can even shut down your water supply. always make sure they are performing at 100%

Backflow Preventer Main Line Leaks

The backflow if this is what you have installed. What I mean about this is sometimes people do not follow city code ordinance. The backflow preventer does not allow contaminants going into your domestic water therefore it is required by the city. You will see two pipes sticking above ground with a metal galvanized unit mounted on it. This is your backflow. Hitting it with the mower, weed eater, or poor installation will cause it to fail resulting in a sprinkler system repair. This type of repair is more obvious because none of your zones will run. See our video for more information.