Why Irrigational leaks?

There are only few more things that is more irritating than having irrigational leaks. It can be equally frustrating and time wasting. To the untrained, locating an irrigational leak can be impossible or at the very least quite difficult. Aside this, irrigational leaks waste resources and can even ruin the beauty of the home.

With all of these being at the backdrop of irrigational leaks, it is expedient to know how to locate and deal with these leaks. If you run an underground irrigation system, the problem might even be more difficult to trace. Here are a few tips that will help you locate irrigational leaks like a pro:

Difference in water pressure

If you have noticed any difference in water pressure along the area of a water pipe, you can suspect a leak for that. While that is not the only explanation as the pipe might be clogged as well.

You need to investigate the difference in water pressure and also check the pressure from the irrigation source as well. That way, you can work down your checklist; once pressure is fine at the source, you are sure the pipe is not clogged, you can be sure then that the difference in water pressure is due to a leakage somewhere in the pipe.

Areas of mold and mildew caused by fungus

When water is in the open, several biological reactions happen and one of this is the growth of mold and mildew. These simple biological reactions is simple and quite unmissable. If you are observant enough, you will easily see the mold growing around the area where the leakage is occurring. A tell-tale sign of the leakage will be the green buildup around the pipe. This is even more obvious if the pipe is out in the open.

Bubbling water

Bubbling water shows you that something is wrong with your irrigation system. If you have doubts about either there is a leakage or not, all you need do is to run the system.

If you notice any bubbling water at any point, you have just confirmed your theory. Bubbling water is heralded with a drop in pressure as well.

This is usually a way to check if there is a leakage in the irrigational system within the house. Since mold and mildew will not build as fast as they would outside, checking for bubbling water will work for you. Just run the irrigational system and watch out for the bubbling water at any point within the pipe.

A tap or sprinkler line dispensing dirty water

What would make a tap or sprinkler line spray or dispense dirty water? A misnomer within the system, right?

A leak within the irrigational system can cause dirt to get into the system and the dirt will get into the pipes and will be sprayed out via the sprinkler line or tap.

If you run an underground irrigational system, the dirt that will get into the lines will be much more and you might have a bit of hard time tracing the leak. However, once you see dirty water in your tap or sprinkler lines, you can be sure that it is due to a leakage. Dirty water can even be injurious to the irrigation system as it can cause damage to the irrigation system. You should prevent these types of damage with everything you have.

Sink holes or abnormally damp ground

Either inside or outside, the presence of sink holes is a sign that there is an irrigational leak.

Once water starts to trickle in rivulets, it is only a matter of time before it begins to impact the surface.

If the leak is not dealt with, it can damage the structure if the leakage is inside. Outside, the abnormally damp ground is also a signal to the effect that there is a leak somewhere. You can easily trace the leakage by virtue of the damp ground around the pipe.

With all of these pointers as to how you can locate leakages in your irrigation system, the big question is, what do you do when you locate the leakage?

Isolate the leak

Once you have located the leak, the next thing to do is to isolate the leak. You might forget where exactly the leak is but once you have isolated the leak, you will mark it.

Call ACS!

In many cases, being the hero is to do something, to fix it yourself. In this case, being the hero is to call the most prominent irrigational company in town.